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Cultural Sustainability

Viktoria Heinzel

How we adapt the concept of cultural sustainability to keep cultures and their traditions alive.

How do we pay attention to cultural sustainability?

Arts and crafts are part of our cultural heritage and have been an important element in the formation of cultural identities. This is reflected in the many traditional artefacts from different communities and indigenous peoples around the world. To support the preservation of those artefacts we will adapt the concept of cultural sustainability.

In doing so, we will pay particular attention to only use and adapt cultural heritage to the extent that future generations won´t be affected in their ability to understand and live the multiple meanings and values of this heritage (Pereira, 2007). To support this even more, we will use authentic stories and co-creation as essential methods for the development of our collections. Furthermore, the application of latest technologies such as 3D printing will help us redefining traditional craft techniques.

Why we pay attention to cultural sustainability?

cen. aims to preserve cultural heritage by investing in cultural sustainability to keep cultures and their traditions alive. If traditions are no longer kept alive, it will take a lot of time, patience and knowledge to bring them back.

The term "cultural sustainability" refers to the fourth pillar of sustainable development. The concept behind it was developed within the framework of the 2001 UNESO Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity. Historically, the concept goes back to a 1995 report by the World Commission on Culture and Development (WCCD), which linked cultural policy with economical, political and social issues. Here, it was defined as access to cultural resources between and within generations.

The focus on sustainable development within the concept can be understood from at least two perspectives: Firstly, as the sustainability of cultural and artistic practices and knowledge, including identity formation and expression, preservation of cultural heritage and aspects related to cultural continuity; secondly, as the role of cultural traits and actions as determinants of sustainable societies and sustainable living.

5 reasons why it is so important for cen. to adapt cultural sustainability:

  • Cultural sustainability keeps traditions alive.

  • Cultural sustainability protects cultural identities.

  • Cultural sustainability preserves artefacts of arts and crafts.

  • Cultural sustainability safes inherent cultural wisdom.

  • Cultural sustainability enables our experience of pluralism.

Paying attention to cultural sustainability, we aim to ensure continuity of our diverse world and sharpen people´s perception of our immense cultural heritage.

by Viktoria Heinzel


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