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cen. - What makes us & thanks!

Viktoria Heinzel

picture @wilhelmgunkel

You want to learn authentic stories about cultures?

Through our collections, we aim to raise awareness of international cultures and their particular cultural assets as important artefacts. Authentic communication and emotionally evoking stories shall help us to reveal inherent knowledge about cultures and their heroes, the “culture keepers”, in an appreciative way. Our recipients, the cen. community, acquire not only valuable jewellery but important cultural education through the purchase of our couture accessories.

In this context, the exchange with various representatives of a regional cultural asset from the field of arts and crafts is indispensable in advance. This exchange also leads to the identification of one co-creation partner of a collection and, connected to this, a concrete cultural asset such as an embroidery or painting technique, which is to serve as a source of inspiration for the designs.

You want more fairness in the fashion industry?

So do we! That's why we spent a long time looking for the right production partner: The social business Stitch by Stitch produces small series and prototypes for fashion labels with the "Made in Germany" seal of quality together with professional, refugee tailors - regionally, transparently and fairly. The integration and development of these women's own livelihoods through training or permanent employment is linked to fair production in Germany, thus setting a clear example for sustainability.

At cen. our focus is above all on tolerance and respect for people. That´s why we pay attention to human rights, healthy working conditions and fair payment for all the people we work with - our “cultural keepers”, our production partners, our employees.

You want to contribute to environmental protection?

cen. follows the principles of slow fashion through design and production measures. Each year only a limited number of models for a collection will be designed and produced. Hereby, we want to counteract the overconsumption and overproduction of fashion items.In the selection of materials for our couture accessories, we make sure that they meet our sustainability principles. We use for example circular fabrics from Fabric House as leftovers from overproduction of high-quality brands to give them a second chance. Something unique – in each of our annual collections we will incorporate couture shapes explicitly designed for upcycling.

Through the application of new technologies, starting with 3D printing, we aim to reduce wear and tear in the design process and establish new sustainable production ways. Together with our production partner Teilefabrik by alphacam GmbH we have found ways to capture our fine couture designs on textiles through the innovative PolyJet printing technology by Stratasys.

Our supporters get our mission off the ground!

We are still so happy that the production of our first collection “Sicily” was made possible by our cen. Crowdfunding campaign on Startnext and it is already in full swing. It makes us really proud that so many people believe in what we want to achieve with cen.

We would like to mention a few of our active supporters by name. They have not only supported us with generous donations, but especially with their continuous motivation, positive encouragement and enthusiasm for our mission. A heartfelt MERCI to all three of you ...

... dear Sandra Volz, passionate advisor of the FCC Karrierefabrik,

... dear Tina Eberhardt, networking partner with a big heart,

... dear Marina Pepler, big sister and supporter from the very beginning.

Without you, this would not have been possible!

by Viktoria Heinzel

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